Sem genopole:
a pillar for the biocluster

SEM Genopole is a mixed-economy company and an essential entity for the development of Genopole’s citizens. Again in 2023, SEM Genopole confirmed its central role for the innovation ecosystem, both in the management of the biocluster’s real estate and in the active support provided to businesses and laboratories for their on-site accommodations and development projects.

The SEM Genopole teams are there to respond to the needs of Genopole’s current companies and labs, find ways to accelerate the arrival of new businesses, ease strategic partnerships and nurture the growth of innovative projects.

Through its close partnerships with local and regional actors, SEM Genopole actively contributes to the economic dynamics of the territory. It manages more than 41,000m² of office & lab space and more than 7 hectares of available land tracts reserved by the Grand Paris Sud Urban Area to develop future projects and respond to the growing needs of businesses and research institutions.

The SEM and GIP Genopole teams work hand-in-hand to take on tomorrow’s challenges and continue nurturing the biocluster’s renowned technological and scientific ecosystem.

I wish to express my thanks to all the GIP and SEM teams. It is through their devotion that another step has been taken to make the GenoLife project real and to respond to the needs of our businesses.

David Bodet
Chief Executive Officer, SEM Genopole
Deputy Director, GIP Genopole