Horizon Europe
and financing
for health SMES
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An information seminar organized by the European Commission’s Enterprise Europe Network, Genopole, and Medicen in partnership with Health SME National Contact Points was held 9 February 2023 with the aim of sharing a comprehensive picture of European funding for health.
The event had three main objectives for the participants: give them the keys to European financing; present available accompaniment programs, and inform them about pertinent opportunities for the refinement of their strategies.
The agenda included close looks at Horizon Europe’s “Health” cluster 1 program and particularly EIT Health and the Eureka Eurostars projects. Presentations were also given on Enterprise Europe Network’s accompaniment services, on Bpifrance’s Diagnostic Europe and Diag PTI programs, and on several other European funding possibilities. Also, the attendees learned about Medicen Paris Region and its project for SMEs, and moreover about Genopole and its European project COBIOE. As well, businesses forwarding projects in health had opportunities for individual meetings.