Genopole in the biomanufacturing panorama
of Institut Paris Region
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Numerous biodrugs are developed in Île-de-France, as reported by Institut Paris Region in a detailed analysis published 15 June 2023 and focused on issues in the biomanufacturing of innovative therapies in the region. The analysis showed that Île-de-France is rich in SMEs and start-ups but in need notably of research and clinical batch production capacities via CDMOs, and moreover accommodation capacities able to house new start-ups and biomanufacturing sites. It underlined too that, ideally, efforts should be made to ease preclinical and clinical trials. The article also drew a map of Île-de-France actors in the sector, including Genopole. The biocluster is active along the full length of the value chain, with several large sites for academic research, numerous businesses and in particular Yposkesi, and real estate expansion projects aimed specifically at R&D and biomanufacturing.