Five master 2
internship grants
attributed to enable training and research
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Thus, five student internships in three laboratories were made possible by the fourth edition of the Master 2 Grants call for candidates.
Two internships were made possible by Master 2 Grants to Genoscope’s Genomics Metabolics mixed research unit1. The interns will continue their work on bacterial genome edition (Clostridium phytofermentans) in the setting of metabolic engineering and the development of long-read-based tools to study diversity in environmental samples. IBISC also received two grants for interns working on deep learning in medical imaging and on the dynamic modeling of NMDA receptor interactions in vascular remodeling in pulmonary arterial hypertension. Finally, the fifth grant went to SABNP for a student working on cooperative mechanisms in interactions between the oncogenic microRNA miR21 and the gene regulator protein HuR.
1 Genoscope-Genomics Metabolics: (François Jacob Institute of biology/CEA)