Key Figures
The Budget
Accompany innovation
Incubation, entrepreneurship and research
Accompaniment programs
Welcome Sessions
From the Shaker…
… to Gene.iO: helping innovation take wing
Call for innovative ideas: a confluence for sickle-cell anemia
Four laureates for the second ApogeeBio call for candidates
In the starting blocks for the D4GEN Hackathon
Five Master 2 internship grants attributed to enable training and research
Shared-use infrastructure
The platform offer: a Genopole particularity
The MicroScope platform celebrates its 20th anniversary
A new high-resolution mass spectrometer: nothing short of a technological gem
Recognizing the « Science & Technology » seminars
A new incubator to accelerate envirotech
7 Genopole-accredited companies laureates of French Tech 2030
Genopole wins Innov’up
GenoTher earns biocluster label
Hello Tomorrow Global Summit 2023
A recognition of Genopole’s expertise: start-up successes and distinctions
The i-Lab Awards
Events and partnerships across the nation
Genopole partnering week: activating networks
Paris-Saclay SPRING: success for Genopole start‑ups
The France Bioproduction Congress 2023: Genopole takes on the challenge of partnered innovation
A deep dive into training
International events and business accompaniment
Genopole takes start-ups to Arab Health
Bio International 2023: partnering opportunities
Bioket 2023: the bioeconomy center-stage
Exploratory mission for Genopole with two Biotechs at Research Triangle Park (USA)
Workshop: constructing digital twins for the immune system
Missions in Europe and beyond
Horizon Europe and financing for health SMES
The COBIOE Project: toward a european alliance for health biomanufacturing
An exploratory mission to Japan and South Korea for Genopole
Stimulating sector development
Innovative therapies
Genopole: a founding member of France Biolead
Genopole in the biomanufacturing panorama of Institut Paris Region
DNA Day celebrates 70th anniversary of DNA’s discovery
A morning for biomanufacturing and the Iveth platform at Medicen
A spotlight on innovative and combinatorial therapies
Texcell and GTP Bioways working together for biotherapies
LAMBE: detecting biomarkers with a natural nanopore
An optimized Lentiviral vector production platform for Yposkesi
Enalees gets a new proteomics laboratory
NEB awarded for its freeze-dried reagent service
SABNP & Synsight: discovering novel medicines
IBISC: exploring bifunctional RNA through informatics
Genethon: a breakthrough for a rare liver disease
Focus on CAR T-cells and the European consortium T2Evolve
The bioeconomy
Debate workshop: biofoundries, biomanufacturing and biotechnologies for biorefineries
Ÿnsect conceives an unprecedented genotyping chip for insect farming
2023: 20 years for the IGEM Grand Jamboree
Global Bioenergies
Genoscope and biodiversity
Developing the biocluster
A complete offer from start-up to industry
SEM Genopole: a pillar for the biocluster
A biofoundry at Genopole: structuring the Île-de-France scientific and industrial community
Not just innovation; recreation too!
Inter-business restaurant
Not just innovation; recreation too!
Inter-Entreprises et Administrations