Home > Accompany innovation > Incubation, entrepreneurship and research > Accompaniment programs > Call for innovative ideas: a confluence for sickle-cell anemia
In December 2023, eight projects were chosen from the sixth edition of the Call for Innovative Ideas. This program, supported and cofinanced by the Grand Paris Sud Urban Area, seeks to promote projects for medical research and innovations that serve patients. Intended for medical professionals in South Île-de-France hospitals, the program funds innovative ideas in the biomedical sector, with Genopole’s help, and facilitates partnerships with laboratories or higher learning establishments to enable proofs of concept.
Two of the chosen project are focused on sickle-cell anemia, a rare disease for which the CHSF1 is a reference institution since 2017. It provides continuing care to numerous patients with that disease from birth through to adulthood.
1 CHSF: South Île-de-France Medical Center